After you have don the Niyah of salah and the takbeer wile in the Qayam you have to read the namaz Sana and following Suras you can also listen to the Suras audio.
Listen Sana
Learn Sana Namaz
After the Namaz Sana you have to read the Surah Al fath
After the Namaz Sana you have to read the Surah Al fath.
Reading Surah Al fath in Namaz (salah) is very important in Hadith Bukhari sharif prophet peace be upon him said: ” “Whoever does not recite Al-Fatiha in his prayer, his prayer is invalid”.
Listen Al-Fatiha
Surah Al Ikhlaz.
next step is reading Surah Al Ikhlaz. You can also read any other surah for eg: surah Al Asar whis is very common and the meaning explain them all. the other surah qafiroon. Do remember the sequence of reading the suras . it is important to start with the big surah in first rakat and the next surah to it in second. For example, if your read Surah Al-Lahab (The Flame) then in next rakat you should read Al-Ikhlas (The Unity). little different practice goes on if you are reading 4 rakats of Sunnah than you will read Al-Lahab (The Flame) in first rakat and then Al-Ikhlas (The Unity) in second and then Al-Falaq (The Dawn) and then An-Nas (The Men) in the last.
Because in sunnah we recite the the surrah in every rakat but in Fard we just recite these suras in fist 2 rakats.
Listen Surah AL ikhlas
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